4 Reasons Your Business Needs An Energy Audit From Professional Electric

Every business owner has a responsibility to make money. It may be to support your family or maybe it is to keep the investors happy. An energy audit may seem like a mundane task, but the results could surprise you. Why should you have an inspection done?

1. IT’S ALL ABOUT THE BENJAMINS. No one likes to throw money away. Your business is supposed to make money. Efficient power usage is a responsible way to hold on to profits. An energy audit will verify that you are making the best use of your money.

2. WASTE NOT, WANT NOT. Although it may seem silly to take time to put gaskets in all your switches and outlets on exterior walls, or pay someone to seal one hundred windows in your building, these little things could actually have a big pay-off. There may be other ways to save such as upgrading the old heating oil furnace for a newer zoned unit with programmable controls to lower the temperatures when people are not around. Switching to more efficient lighting, such as LED lights, may save you thousands. A properly conducted audit by Professional Electric will show you where you are losing energy, how to get it back, and the time you will need to recoup your investment.

3. UNCLE SAM IS SHARING. This may be the best time to look into that upgrade! If there are grants or rebates available to offset some of the cost, your benefit is even bigger. You may find that you can update a heating and air system, add insulation, replace your halogens or high-pressure sodium lighting with LED’s, or even branch into solar and wind energy with some of the programs being offered.

4. A HAPPY CREW IS A PRODUCTIVE CREW. When your employees are comfortable, they produce. If a bit of added insulation or a zoned furnace take the chill off, you may see them go from shivering to working. It is also morale-boosting to be able to come to work and be comfortable.

Not only will an energy audit from Professional Electric show where you can improve your consumption rates, it will also highlight the things that are going well for you. You may come away from your audit pleased and proud of the money you have saved on your bottom line. If not, we can show you where to make your available money work to your benefit. Return on investment is not just a term for the stock market. You may see a great ROI simply by managing your electric and gas bills. Let us show you how to save money today with an energy audit from Professional Electric.

If you are in need of any residential or commercial electrical services or LED lighting in Baldwin County, Mobile, Alabama, or surrounding areas, look no further than Professional Electric! Visit us online at www.ProfessionalElectric.biz and connect with us on Facebook and Twitter! We are available 24/7 for emergency services! Mobile: (251) 473-5788 Baldwin County: (251) 929-8957 Remember, when it comes to your electrical needs, Keep It Professional!

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