Back to School Special: 3 Reasons to Become an Electrician

As the world moves forward in the realm of technology, more and more jobs are needed to aid in managing this growing demand. From electricians to IT specialists, the career path is flowing with jobs for people that can help keep up with the required increase in service needed to keep everything powered on at all times.  Electricians are needed to ensure that your many devices are running with the proper power it needs to sustain a long life. From residential to commercial, there are endless electrical grids that require maintenance by a licensed electrician. Here are a couple of key benefits of joining this occupation.


We will start with what is one of the most important factors to pursuing this profession, the average salary.  Jobs in this field start out between $35,000 and $48,000.  The national starting average is on the higher end of that spectrum.  The type of electrical work you are qualified and licensed to service and install are two prime factors in determining your pay rate.  Working under a contractor can provide a higher starting salary but working independently can pay off big in the long run.

Work Environment

One of the major reasons why people become electricians is because you are not stuck behind a desk. As an electrician, you have the ability to work at a different place with every job you take on. Whether the location be residential or commercial, you will be out and about in the world. This is one of the best things about being an electrician, every day is a different experience and a different location.

Lifetime Work

Another great thing about pursuing a career in electrical work, you can be sure that your job will stand the tests of time and will always be in high demand. Technology is constantly changing and advancing pushing the need for qualified electricians. Electricity is a fact of life for the foreseeable future.  This high demand also leads to starting and average salaries constantly being driven higher.
This career can last you a lifetime and comes with many great benefits and is a significant skillset to have mastered.  The salaries are very competitive and the work environment changes daily.  Electricians will always be needed to keep up with the constant increase in population and the demand that puts on our electrical infrastructure.

Are you upgrading and updating? Don’t forget to call on Professional Electrical for all of your lighting and electrical needs!
If you are in need of any residential or commercial electrical services in Baldwin County or Mobile, Alabama look no further than Professional Electric! Visit us online at www.ProfessionalElectric.bizand connect with us on Facebook and Twitter!
We are available 24/7 for emergency services!
Mobile: (251) 473-5788
Baldwin County: (251) 929-8957  

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