The “What” About Watts!

With all the terms out there in dealing with electrical work, people tend to get lost in between definitions. For this guide specifically, watts will be discussed and you will gain a whole new understanding of what exactly a watt is and how it relates to your home electricity.

In simple terms, watts are the gauge of how much electricity an appliance consumes. Watts are also used by your electrical company in order to find out your monthly bill amount. So the more watts that your appliances consume on a daily basis in this 30-day period, the higher your electricity bill will reach. To further explain watts, we will breakdown a simple home appliance and its energy consumption, for this a lamp will be used.

Electric lamps

Whether you are using an incandescent, LED, or even fluorescent light bulbs, they are do the same thing: consume energy using watts when turned on. An example of this would be when you flip on your incandescent light bulb and leave it on for an hour, you have consumed 100 watts of energy. The reason for this being because the incandescent light bulb uses about 100 watts of energy, which will be stated on the side of the light bulb as 100w or 100 watts. The cost for that hour of lighting should run you somewhere around one cent, depending on various conditions, electrical company, etc.

If you do not want to use a lightbulb that uses around 100 watts, there are many other options available for you. You could pick up a fluorescent or LED lightbulb in order to lower your wattage consumption for the lighting in your home. For example, fluorescent light bulbs use around 13w or 13 watts. By having such a low wattage, the light would have to be on for at least seven hours in order to reach the cost of an incandescent light bulb being on for only one hour.

Watts and your energy bill

As being discussed earlier, your energy bill relies on the amount of watts you use. When reviewing your energy bill, you will notice that the electrical company will have your energy usage in kilowatts consumed instead of watts. Every 1,000 watts consumed is equivalent to one kilowatt. For instance, if you use an incandescent light bulb for 10 hours, you have consumed about 1,000 watts, or one kilowatt.

If you are in need of any residential or commercial electrical services in Baldwin County or Mobile, Alabama look no further than Professional Electric! Visit us online at and connect with us on Facebook and Twitter!

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