Electrical Panel Upgrade: Understanding When and Why It’s Necessary

Electrical panels, also known as breaker boxes or distribution boards, are crucial for managing the electricity that flows through your home or business. Over time, the demands on these panels can increase, necessitating an upgrade. In this blog, we’ll explore the reasons behind electrical panel upgrades and why they are essential for safety and efficiency.

Reasons To Consider An Electrical Panel Upgrade

Support Increased Electrical Demand

One of the primary reasons for an electrical panel upgrade is to accommodate increased electrical demand. Modern homes and businesses use more electrical devices and appliances than ever before. From high-powered kitchen gadgets to home entertainment systems and advanced office equipment, the load on your electrical system can quickly surpass the capacity of an older panel. Upgrading your panel ensures that your electrical system can handle this increased demand without frequent tripping or overloading, providing a steady and reliable power supply.

Compliance with Safety Codes

Electrical safety codes are periodically updated to reflect new standards and technologies. An older electrical panel might not meet current safety codes, which could pose a risk to your property and its occupants. Upgrading your panel brings it up to current standards, ensuring compliance with the latest safety regulations. This is particularly important when buying or selling property, as non-compliance can lead to failed inspections and costly delays. For more on this topic, check out our post on electrical safety recalls every homeowner should know about.

Enhance System Reliability

Reliability is a key factor in any electrical system. Older panels can develop faults and inefficiencies over time, leading to unreliable power distribution. This can cause frequent outages or even damage to your electrical devices. An electrical panel upgrade enhances the overall reliability of your system, reducing the risk of unexpected power failures and protecting your appliances from potential damage. Learn more about warning signs of instability in your home’s electrical system.

Support Home Renovations

Home renovations, such as adding new rooms, upgrading kitchens or bathrooms or installing new heating and cooling systems, often require additional electrical capacity. An upgraded panel ensures that your electrical system can support these new additions without overloading. This is essential for both the functionality and safety of your home, ensuring that all new electrical installations are adequately powered. If you’re considering a renovation, read our checklist for new homeowners to inspect outlets and breakers.

Integration of Renewable Energy Sources

With the increasing adoption of renewable energy sources like solar panels and wind turbines, integrating these systems into your existing electrical infrastructure can be challenging. Upgrading your electrical panel makes it easier to accommodate these renewable energy systems, allowing for seamless integration and efficient energy management. This not only helps in reducing your energy bills but also contributes to a more sustainable environment. For more information, see our article on how smart home devices can save you money.

Future-Proofing Your Property

Technology is constantly evolving, and the electrical demands of today might be different from those of tomorrow. By upgrading your electrical panel, you are future-proofing your property, ensuring that it can meet the electrical demands of the future. This proactive approach can save you time and money in the long run, preventing the need for frequent upgrades and modifications.

Electrical panel upgrades are a crucial step in maintaining a safe and efficient electrical system. Whether you’re dealing with increased electrical demand, ensuring compliance with safety codes, enhancing system reliability, supporting home renovations, integrating renewable energy sources or future-proofing your property, an upgraded panel is essential. If you suspect that your electrical panel may need an upgrade, contact Professional Electric for a comprehensive assessment and expert advice. Our experienced team is here to help you ensure that your electrical system is up to date and capable of meeting your needs safely and efficiently.

The Role of Surge Protection in Safeguarding Your Electronics

In the heart of southern Alabama, where storms and hurricanes frequent, safeguarding your electronics against an unexpected power surge is not just a recommendation—it’s essential. At Professional Electric, we understand the critical nature of protecting your sensitive devices from the devastating impacts of power surges, lightning strikes, and voltage fluctuations.

What is a Power Surge?

A power surge can occur due to various reasons, including lightning strikes, power outages, or issues within the utility company’s infrastructure. In southern Alabama, the stormy season exacerbates the risk, making surge protection a top priority for both homeowners and businesses.

Why Surge Protection Is Crucial

Surge protectors are designed to safeguard electronics by blocking or redirecting excess voltage away from the device. Without adequate protection, valuable electronics such as computers, televisions, and home appliances are at risk of being damaged beyond repair.

Selecting the Right Surge Protector

Choosing the right surge protector involves several considerations:

  • Joule Rating: This indicates the surge protector’s energy capacity. The higher the rating, the better the protection.
  • Response Time: Surge protectors should respond quickly to a surge, typically within nanoseconds.
  • Number of Outlets: Ensure there are enough outlets for all your devices. Some surge protectors also offer USB ports for additional charging options.
  • UL Rating: Look for a protector certified by Underwriters Laboratories (UL), which indicates it meets safety standards.

    Installation and Best Practices

    While some surge protectors are simple plug-and-play devices, others, especially those designed to protect your entire home, may require professional installation. At Professional Electric, our licensed electricians are equipped to install advanced surge protection systems that keep your entire property safe.

    The Importance of Professional Installation

    Professional installation is crucial for whole-home surge protectors as these systems are integrated directly into your home’s electrical panel. At Professional Electric, we ensure the installation is handled safely and effectively, with a thorough inspection and testing to confirm everything is operational.


    Don’t let Alabama’s next storm cost you thousands in damaged electronics. Invest in quality surge protectors today to safeguard your valuable electronics and appliances. Whether you need advice on the best surge protectors or require professional installation, the team at Professional Electric is here to help. Protect your investments before the storm hits—contact us to find out more about our surge protection solutions tailored specifically for the challenges faced along the Gulf Coast.

    Understanding the Power Needs of Your Home During a Blackout

    With hurricane season in full swing, blackouts are an inevitable challenge that many homeowners face. While the inconvenience of losing power for a short period might be manageable, extended blackouts can disrupt your life significantly. That’s why it’s crucial to understand the power needs of your home during a blackout. In this post, we’ll guide you through the key factors to consider.

    Assess the Essentials

    Start by assessing what you consider essential in your home. For most people, this would include lighting, refrigeration, and the ability to charge mobile devices. Depending on your situation, you might also require power for medical equipment, heating or cooling systems or a home office. Make a list of these essentials to determine the minimum power supply needed during a blackout.

    Calculate the Load

    After identifying the essentials, you’ll need to calculate the total electrical load. This is usually measured in watts. Check the wattage information on the labels of each appliance or device. Add these numbers together to get an idea of your total electrical load. Remember, this is a rough estimate; the actual power consumption can vary based on usage patterns and efficiency.

    Choose the Right Generator

    Armed with your total load estimate, you can now choose an appropriate generator. Generators are categorized based on their output, typically expressed in kilowatts (kW). It’s advisable to go for a generator that can produce 20-25% more power than your estimated requirement. This extra capacity will accommodate any additional load and ensure the generator operates efficiently.

    Consider Fuel Efficiency

    Generators run on various types of fuel, including gasoline, diesel and propane. The choice of fuel can affect the operational cost and how long the generator can run without refueling. Opt for a fuel-efficient model that provides a longer runtime, especially if you live in an area prone to extended blackouts.

    Plan for Installation

    Installation is not just about plugging in your generator; it’s about setting it up to meet your specific needs. If you’re not an electrically savvy homeowner, consider hiring a professional electrician for a safe and compliant installation. Many generators can be integrated with your home’s electrical system via a transfer switch, allowing for a smoother transition when the power goes out.

    Test Regularly

    Once your generator is set up, regular testing is crucial to ensure it’s in optimal condition. Make it a habit to run your generator at least once a month. This not only assures you that it’s in working condition but also allows you to become familiar with its operation, so you’re not fumbling in the dark when you need it the most.

    Final Thoughts

    Preparing for a blackout involves more than just keeping a few candles and flashlights handy. By assessing your essential power needs, calculating your home’s electrical load and selecting the right generator, you can be well-equipped to handle any power outage. Remember, a smooth installation and regular testing can go a long way in ensuring your generator is ready when you need it. When it comes to the complexities of electrical setups, consulting with professionals like us at Professional Electric can provide invaluable insights and help you set up a reliable backup power system tailored to your needs. Stay empowered and stay safe this hurricane season.

    Generators and Hurricane Season on the Gulf Coast: A Lifesaver with Professional Electric

    The hurricane season in the Gulf Coast region, typically lasting from June to November, poses significant challenges to residents, including potential power outages. As the storms roar in, often causing extensive damage to power lines, having a reliable source of backup power can be a real lifesaver. That’s where generators, expertly installed and maintained by Professional Electric, come in.

    A generator is not a luxury in this part of the country; it is a necessity. It powers essential appliances like refrigerators, air conditioners, heaters and medical equipment during power outages, ensuring you can maintain a semblance of normalcy during a storm.

    At Professional Electric, we understand the vital role that generators play during hurricane season. Here’s how we can help Gulf Coast residents stay prepared:

    Professional Installation

    A generator is only as reliable as its installation. At Professional Electric, we offer expert installation services to ensure that your generator functions optimally when you need it the most. Our experienced technicians are well-versed in installing different types of generators, always adhering to the highest safety standards.

    Maintenance and Repairs

    Routine maintenance is essential to ensure your generator is in top condition and ready for action when a storm hits. Our team can perform regular checks and maintenance tasks, such as oil changes and battery tests. We also provide prompt repair services to fix any issues that may prevent your generator from functioning correctly.

    Consultation and Selection

    Not sure what type of generator you need? We can help. Based on the size of your home and your power needs, our experts can advise you on the best generator for you. We are well-acquainted with a range of brands and models, enabling us to provide you with an informed recommendation.

    Safety First

    While generators are highly useful during hurricane season, they can pose safety risks if used incorrectly. As a part of our service, we provide our clients with essential safety information to ensure they can operate their generators safely.

    Beyond providing these vital services, Professional Electric is a part of the Gulf Coast community. We understand the unique challenges our region faces and are committed to helping our neighbors weather any storm. Our team is always ready to respond when disaster strikes, ensuring you have the power you need to keep your family safe and comfortable.

    To conclude, having a well-maintained generator during the Gulf Coast’s hurricane season is essential. With Professional Electric’s expert services, you can have peace of mind knowing that you are prepared for whatever the season may bring. Contact us today to learn more about our generator installation and maintenance services.

    How to Tell if Your Pool Isn’t Grounded

    Everyone enjoys spending time in the pool, especially during these hot summer days in the south. Owning a pool comes with its fair share of maintenance, however, but nothing is more important than making sure your pool is a safe place for you and your family to spend some time. Whether you’re planning on building a pool, having one built, or you’re just curious about your existing pool, it is essential that you know whether or not your pool is properly grounded.

    What is Grounding?

    When a pool is built, there are a number of different wires, electrical components and equipment involved. Anytime you are dealing with an electrical system near water, it is vital that everything is properly grounded, but what does that mean? Grounding refers to the process of transferring electricity in the safest way from an object back to the ground. This provides a pathway that is typically only used in instances where there is an issue with the main wiring system. Making sure everything is grounded assures that there is no risk or electrocution, should anything go wrong.

    Is My Pool Grounded?

    Making sure your pool is grounded is one of the most important things you can do when you have a pool built or are inspecting an existing pool. If your pool is not properly grounded, there is a large risk of electrocution; this is because those swimming in the pool could unknowingly become the conductor. In order to dissipate excess electricity, every pool’s electrical system must include a connection of copper wiring. Everything from the pool walls, filtration and water pump systems, posts and other metal parts should be properly bonded. A successfully bonded pool will include the connection of all these parts with a copper wire in order to equalize any differences in voltage and prevent the flow of unwanted electricity to hazardous areas.

    Things to Look Out For

    When checking if your pool is properly grounded, you should make sure that every fixed metal part of your pool is bonded. Make sure that any metal piping and awnings, fences, doors, cables, raceways and window frames are not at risk of becoming conductive. While checking for proper bonding is essential, it is also important to note that a pair of experienced eyes will guarantee that nothing goes unnoticed. 

    At Professional Electric, our goal is to keep you and your loved ones safe. Dealing with electricity is a tricky and dangerous task, so it is important that you hire a professional to get the job done effectively. If you are curious about whether or not your pool is properly grounded, or you are planning to install a pool, give us a call today! (251) 313-5619 We are more than happy to help assess your situation and make sure your family is safe.

    Lighting Ideas for Your Backyard

    Spending more time outdoors is something that many of us strive for. Breathing in the fresh air, enjoying some sun and getting in touch with nature are healthy and uplifting ways to spend your time. This summer, you may have plans to work on your yard. If you’re interested in finding ways to liven up your space, proper lighting is essential. For those nights when you want to relax on your deck, sit by the pool or just enjoy the evening air, you need a space that is well-lit. 

    If you’re looking for ideas on how to go about brightening up your outdoor space, we’re here to help!

    Patio Lighting

    A common option for lighting your backyard space is to include lights on and around your patio. You can get creative with this: layer lights to add dimension, use decorative lanterns, experiment with color-changing bulbs or decide to string lights overhead. The options are endless!

    Fence Lights

    For a practical approach to lighting, consider using lights to illuminate your property’s fencing. Add lighting on top of your fence or around the base to identify the barrier around your yard and brighten up the perimeter.

    Brighten Up Trees

    For a unique lighting approach, adding lights on or around your trees is a great place to start. Place lights around the base of the tree or add hanging lights from branches. Another great option is to wrap string lights around or through the branches of trees to add a dreamy look to any space.

    Pathway Lighting

    Adding lighting around your pathways is one important idea to look into. Any guests will be glad to know exactly where to walk when they visit your space, and the lighting provides a sense of safety, keeping you from tripping or losing your footing in the dark.

    Canopy of Lights

    Another unique option for backyard lighting is to create a canopy of lights overhead. Get a string of lights or a net of string lights and have them hung over your seating area for a blanket of lighting above.

    Flood Lights

    Add a sense of safety to your property by installing flood lights. These lights do just what you might expect! When installed, the lights wash your area with light. This is useful to deter intruders and illuminate those areas that you need to have fully lit, such as entryways, stairs, etc.

    If you’re looking into getting backyard lighting installed, or you have questions about how to safely light your home, make sure you give us a call at Professional Electric at (251) 473-5788. We are more than happy to help you create the yard of your dreams!

    What if I can’t afford a generator?

    As a homeowner, it is essential to have a generator in case the power goes out, especially in the South. Being near the Gulf Coast, we are exposed to hurricanes and tropical storms every year, and it is essential to have a generator for when the power goes out. However, at Professional Electric, we understand that not everyone can purchase a generator. We believe that everyone should be able to afford an electrical backup, which is why we offer generator financing.

    You may not realize how much your home and daily life are reliant on energy until you’re in the middle of a power outage! You’ll be able to regulate and protect your home with a whole-house generator installed, even during severe weather. Some of the advantages of installing a generator are as follows:

    • Cooling and heating regularly.
    • Freezers and refrigerators do not thaw.
    • The lights and outlets are in good working order.
    • The security systems are up and running.
    • Garage doors and gates can be opened and closed.

    A whole-house generator could be the ideal solution for preparing for extreme temperatures or frigid temperatures. Having an emergency generator will also help you to keep your home’s essential appliances operating, such as lights, refrigerators and even medical equipment. That way, when the electricity is out, your household won’t be left in the dark. Power outages are notorious for being unpredictably timed.

    All generators cost differently. Depending on the type of generator you choose, they can range in pricing. The four main types of a generator are gas, liquid propane, natural gas and diesel. You’ll be able to weather any storm with ease if you have a whole-house generator. If you’re ready for dependable power, call Professional Electric now to get started on your whole-house generator financing!

    Do You Need an Electrical Inspection Before Buying a Home

    When buying a home, it’s important to ensure that everything’s working as it should. After all, you’re investing a lot of money into your new home and you want to make sure you’re getting your money’s worth. While you probably will have a home inspection done, it’s important to also have an electrical inspection performed to ensure everything’s in tip-top shape. 

    Structural surveys are important, but they don’t tell the full story of the house. Typical home inspections don’t cover electrical examinations, and small electrical problems can turn into big ones later that can cost you significantly more money and turn into a headache. Here are some other reasons why you should get an electrical inspection before buying a home.

    Check for Outdated Wiring

    If you’re buying an older house, you need to have the wiring checked. Older homes might still have their original wiring. Outdated wiring poses a hazard as it cannot handle the electrical power of modern appliances. An inspector can determine if your wiring is outdated and can inform you of any renovation work that has been completed and if it is up to standards. They will also let you know if there are any areas that will need to be improved in the future, and if any need to be taken care of right away. 

    Be Aware of Potential Safety Issues

    Faulty electrical issues may cause electronics and appliances to blow, and they can also lead to a fire starting. Your outlets need to be tested in order to prevent potential danger whenever appliances are plugged in. You need to be made aware of this as the issue would need to be fixed immediately. These issues can lead to a loss of property, damage to the property, and on occasion, death. There may be hidden problems within your wiring that need to be checked out. Additionally, the previous homeowner might have tried to fix the issue themselves, and you don’t want to have to deal with the after-effects of faulty maintenance. 

    Prevent Financial Issues 

    If the electrical inspection reveals that there are problems that can be expensive to fix, you, the buyer, can renegotiate the price of the home or even have the seller cover the cost of repairs. Electrical inspections ensure the property is a good investment and is worth purchasing. If not, you can choose to not purchase the house and save yourself future financial burden and debt. 

    Insurance Purposes

    If you need to file an insurance claim after purchasing the house, you will need to have an inspection from a licensed provider sent to your insurance company. Having an electrical inspection done covers the insurance company and yourself in case any issues arise after purchase. It’s a smart investment and it will cover you in future liability cases.

    Electrical inspections are not only a good financial investment, they save lives. Are you searching for a new home? Avoid future safety concerns and the higher costs associated with repairing major problems and schedule an electrical inspection with Professional Electric now. Call us today at (251) 473-5788.

    Why Does Electricity Need to be Grounded?

    Before understanding why electricity needs to be grounded, it is important to understand how electricity runs throughout your home. There are two types of wires that are needed to complete a circuit to carry electricity. There is a ”hot” wire, which is typically a black wire, that carries a negative charge and there is a “ground” wire, which is usually gray or white, that carries a positive charge. The “ground” wires are connected to your outlets.

    What if my “ground” wires are failing?

    The electric system is designed to get rid of negative energy into the part of the earth in which your house is built. The ”ground” wires have the job of returning this energy into the ground. The negatively charged wires attract the positive charge, allowing for safe energy flow throughout your home. If your “ground” wires are failing, your electrical system should have a plan to prevent short circuits or electrical fires. Wires, called “grounding” wires, should run parallel to the “hot” and “grounded” wires, as an alternative route for electrical currents.

    How do I identify “grounding” wires?

    One of the easiest ways to identify “grounding” wires is to look at your outlets. If your outlet has a third, round prong plug-in, it is indicated that you have a system of grounding wires. If most of the outlets in your home do not have the third slot, there is a chance that your electrical system does not have a grounding contact. 

    What could happen if my house isn’t properly grounded?

    If your home is not grounded, your appliances could pass electricity through your body as a negative charge outlet to the ground, this is the result of electrocution. Electrical fires are another possibility of having a home that is not grounded. Although new codes require household electrical systems to be grounded, older constructed homes may not have been required. One of the most common electrical mistakes is the failure of groundwater lines. This could allow electricity to run through your water pipes. The best way to make sure that you’re home is safely grounded is to have a safety inspection performed on your home. 

    What if I need an electrical home safety inspection? 
    Schedule your safety inspection with Professional Electric today by calling (251) 473-5788 or online at professionalelectric.biz. We will be glad to help you with any questions or concerns that you may have.

    5 Signs It’s Time for an Electrical Upgrade

    Some of us spend a majority of our time at home watching television on the weekends, catching up on work on our computers or enjoying time outdoors. But more often than not, the activities we do at home will require some sort of electrical system usage. Noticing signs for an electrical upgrade can greatly improve your experience at home while protecting your safety along the way. 

    1. You have an outdated fuse panel.

    One clear sign for an electrical upgrade is an outdated fuse panel. The signs are noticeable, and you may have experienced seeing rust on it, it being hot to the touch, smelling of burnt scent or experienced frequent break tripping. Older panels tend to cause short circuits due to the installation of inadequately sized replacement fuses which are a safety hazard. You can easily add new circuits for a new modern upgrade with security systems, indoor or outdoor light fixtures or heating systems. Remember that a fuse panel must be installed by a professional electrician as it has to meet code requirements. 

    2. You have an older home that requires rewiring.

    Older homes that require rewiring often need electrical upgrades because of the many at-risk safety hazards that are more prone to happen. For example, there may be exposed wiring that is usually the result of faulty insulation. To get your home ready for rewiring, permits must first be obtained by a professional. A careful look at your home’s infrastructure will also be inspected to make sure that holes are made in the correct places without wrecking any existing wires from plumbing systems. Restoration will be a major part of the rewiring process so make sure you do your research to ensure that you will get a smooth professional installation. 

    3. You have no GFCI. 

    A GFCI is a ground fault circuit interrupter device that eliminates the use of tripping breakers. The purpose of a GFCI is to switch off an outlet to avoid electric shock due to moisture. Areas in the home that require it most are the kitchen and bathroom as water is more likely to intrude around outlets. 

    4. Two-pronged outlets 

    Having two-pronged outlets instead of three-pronged is a clear sign for an electrical upgrade. There is more shock risk involved because there is no ground wiring, plus, making the switch requires fewer adapters and more fun for all your smart devices. 

    5. Old light switches.

    The flip of a switch can make all the difference when it comes to making electrical upgrades. Old light switches can easily be switched to dimmer switches or sensor lighting for a more ambient and controlled feel. 

    If you are in need of any residential or commercial upgraded electrical services in the County or Mobile, Alabama area look no further than Professional Electric! We offer panel upgrades and new construction services plus much more all under one roof. Visit us online at www.ProfessionalElectric.biz and connect with us on Facebook and Twitter! We are available 24/7 for emergency services! Call (251) 473-5788 and remember, when it comes to your electrical needs, Keep It Professional!