4 Cool Electronic Gadgets You Didn’t Know You Needed From Professional Electric

We as consumers are becoming increasingly dependent each year on technology and it’s daily advancements. Our gadgets aid in everyday activities making tasks much simpler than they used to be. Each day technology is advancing, raising expectations alongside keeping consumers on their toes anticipating what will come out next. Although we may not always need the newest technology on the market, and sometimes we tell ourselves to admire not acquire, we can indulge in electronics that will simplify life. So, if you’re fantasizing about what life would be like with the newest trends, these five gadgets are guaranteed to be at the top of your list.

LED Smart Bulb with Speaker

With the evolution of smartphones, smartwatches, tablets, and many more, light bulbs have matured as well into a revolutionary item that you won’t want to live without. One of best features is that you can control an LED smartlight by connecting to the bluetooth and wifi provided on your current mobile devices. The Kingstar Smart RGB Color Changing Music Ball is a must-have gadget for your home, priced around $25. This item is customizable as well as compatible for the whole family. It’s LED smartlight plays music from your device while producing RGB colors that pulsate to compliment the beat of your music. The options with this speaker are infinite. This gadget revolutionizes speakers because you can literally have music wherever you have a light socket.
Find it here: http://amzn.to/2lkH3dy

Writing Instruments Of The Future

No matter your age, we all take notes. Varying from our grocery list, honey to do list, appointments, events, or just simple daily reminders, a pen and paper is a requirement at some point in time. The Neo Smartpen N2 costing around $150 has transformed and exceeded any expectations for technology. This innovation not only provides you with the ability to take notes on pen and paper, but it also stores everything written down to your smart devices. Taking notes, or remembering appointments has never been easier. This gadget will revamp and simplify your everyday life because if you forget your piece of paper somewhere or lose it – no problem – it’s still at your fingertips.
Learn more here: http://amzn.to/2kL2bGS

Solar Flashlights That Can Multitask

Are you someone who prefers to stay outdoors, but you have to cut your time with nature short because your phone dies? This is no longer an issue once you check out the Goal Zero Torch 250 Flashlight. This multifunctional tool is inexpensive ($64) considering it charges your phone, provides you with a flashlight, acts as a floodlight, or emergency light, and is solar powered. Not only are you providing yourself with a light source, you’re saving money on batteries and electricity while being eco-friendly. The Goal Zero Torch Flashlight is something that will innovate your outdoor activities forever.
Find it here: http://amzn.to/2kLoYlR

Power On The Go

Face it. Most of us can’t live without our cell phones. Some of us use multiple smart devices throughout each day causing us to charge them by the time lunch hits. But with the growth of technology, the source of continuously powering each one has been changed too. The Zolt Portable Charger can boot up three devices at once. No more deciding on whether your cell phone, tablet, or laptop is more important. This innovative charger eliminates the tangling of cords and the hassle of you having to occupy each accessible outlet. For $100 this contemporary portable charger is sure to make your life much smoother.
Find it here: http://bit.ly/2kqYx8Z

Admit it, our dependence on technology isn’t going to change, just grow. Life moves fast and anything that can make things simpler is certainly helpful. Switching to environmentally-friendly and faster means of getting things done is not only wise but practical. These small investments in your personal life will free up more time for family, friends and loved ones.

If you are in need of any residential or commercial electrical services or LED lighting in Baldwin County or Mobile, Alabama look no further than Professional Electric! Visit us online at www.ProfessionalElectric.biz and connect with us on Facebook and Twitter! We are available 24/7 for emergency services! Mobile: (251) 473-5788 Baldwin County: (251) 929-8957 Remember, when it comes to your electrical needs, Keep It Professional!

© Southern View Media 2017: Reproduction without explicit permission is prohibited. All Rights Reserved. “Get Online or Get Left Behind”


Per the National Fire Protection Agency, space heaters accounted for 56,000 fires between 2009 and 2013. This was 16% of the reported fires during this time, and there were 470 lives lost, 1490 injuries, and $1 Billion in property damage. These room-sized warmers fill a specific need, and are safe when used properly. With that said, it may be wise to review the safety points for them occasionally. Here are the most important things to keep in mind.

1. Keep all items, and especially flammables, at least three feet from the heater. Over half of the fires reported were caused by contact with bedding, curtains, or other items which ignited. Don’t place them too close to sofas, chairs, or other furniture.

2. Establish a safety zone of at least three feet for children and pets. Newer versions have safety mechanisms built in, and for the ultimate safety, consider using infrared heaters, which are cool to the touch, and will shut off if tipped. But older heaters are still in use, and these have the potential for burns. If they tip over while hot, they may shut off, but could still cause a contact burn on flooring or other materials.

3. Never use an extension cord for a space heater. Always plug them directly into the wall. Since the standard versions are not sized properly for all heaters, the simplest solution is to avoid them completely. In addition, as the cords age, they experience normal wear and tear. Loose connections cause arcing between the two components, and arcing causes heat and fires. The last reason that we don’t recommend using a drop cord is because it presents a trip hazard. Lengthening the power cord to allow the heater to sit in the middle of the room means that a pet or child can get tangled up.

4. Maintain smoke and fire alarms in working condition. Fresh batteries should be installed twice each year. Absolutely check your smoke and fire alarms monthly as if your life depends on it.

There are many situations when the use of a space heater makes good sense. You may have a cold area in the home which is just not responding to the central heating due to poor insulation or drafty windows. You may have an older home which isn’t ducted, especially for the second floor, and space heaters will warm that area effectively. Or, you may have had a maintenance issue with your central heating system, and the use of these smaller versions is a temporary measure until you can get a repairman to fix the situation.

By keeping in mind that space heaters do present some specific challenges, and remaining aware and vigilant at all times around them, you will be able to utilize them safely in your home.

If you are purchasing a space heater, consider purchasing an infrared heater. This is one of the safest heat producers on the market, with a consistent heat throw and safety that is unmatched by the other options.

If you are in need of any residential or commercial electrical services or LED lighting in Baldwin County or Mobile, Alabama look no further than Professional Electric! Visit us online at www.ProfessionalElectric.biz and connect with us on Facebook and Twitter! We are available 24/7 for emergency services! Mobile: (251) 473-5788 Baldwin County: (251) 929-8957 Remember, when it comes to your electrical needs, Keep It Professional!

© Southern View Media 2017: Reproduction without explicit permission is prohibited. All Rights Reserved. “Get Online or Get Left Behind”


Extension cords can be a lifesaver for many of us. We all reach for them at one time or another. However, they also can be the mechanism for the delivery of a death sentence when used improperly. These helpful aides should be used wisely, monitored carefully, and disposed of quickly when necessary. Although there are many important facts to consider when using an extension cord, here are five of the top ones in our opinion:

1.       DO NOT PLUG ONE EXTENSION CORD INTO ANOTHER ONE. These cords are designed to be used in connection with a wall receptacle. Every time you add a cord, you provide a source of heat build-up, and even arcing between the two pieces which may not make good contact. Joining cords is a fire risk. Relocate the item needing power, or get a longer cord.

2.       ALWAYS INSPECT BEFORE USE. Any sign of damage is an issue. Look at the plug. Inspect the blades. They should be straight and strong. Repeated bending from being yanked out of outlets is damage, and the weakened area could overheat. Now run down the length of the cord. If you see cuts, slices, pinched spots, or frayed areas, the cord is not to be used. If the receiving end of the cord is burned or the wiring is frayed at the connection point, do not use. Find another cord and dispose of the damaged one. It isn’t worth the chance you are taking by using it. Also, never use a three-prong cord in a two-prong plug. Bypassing the ground is not safe.

3.       IF A CORD FEELS HOT, UNPLUG THE ITEMS YOU ARE POWERING, AND CHANGE YOUR PLAN. If the cord is building heat, it is overloaded or damaged. Begin by removing the items you have plugged in. Inspect the cord. If it appears undamaged, decide which item you can live without or relocate to another circuit.

4.       Most cords hold heat when covered up, but it becomes impossible to inspect. Cords are not meant to be a long-term solution, and permanent placement is not a good idea. Remember that extension cords are temporary.

5.       NEVER LEAVE AN EXTENSION CORD LYING IN WATER OR SNOW. There is a risk of electrocution any time cords are wet. Find a way to keep them dry. Run them up and over if necessary.

As with any tool or convenience, be sure that you have the proper one for the job. Adequate length and size are critical if you want to protect your loved ones from harm.

The temptations are always there to skip these warnings, especially in older homes which were built with only a few receptacles. The demand for power then was not the same as today, and we tend to compensate with extension cords. The better answer is to have new circuits added. For the most permanent solution, give us a call. We can inspect your panel for adequate sizing, add new circuits where you need them, and reduce your reliance on extension cords.

If you are in need of any residential or commercial electrical services or LED lighting in Baldwin County or Mobile, Alabama look no further than Professional Electric! Visit us online at www.ProfessionalElectric.biz and connect with us on Facebook and Twitter! We are available 24/7 for emergency services! Mobile: (251) 473-5788 Baldwin County: (251) 929-8957 Remember, when it comes to your electrical needs, Keep It Professional!

© Southern View Media 2017: Reproduction without explicit permission is prohibited. All Rights Reserved. “Get Online or Get Left Behind”


According to ESFi, there are an estimated 51,000 electrical fires each year, with 500 deaths and 1400 injuries. Property damage is approximately $1.3 Billion. Power distribution (your home or business wiring) is involved in one third of these fires, and 5,300 fires involve a receptacle. Here are a few ideas to help you avoid becoming the next statistic:

1. First and foremost, get an inspection done. Any home you live in, or building that you work in, should be carefully inspected for major issues before you inhabit it. Even if you have been there a while, take the time now to have things checked. Overloaded circuits, undersized main feeders, old panel boxes, improperly installed electrical devices, or dangerous tie-ins to old wiring may have been missed or even misrepresented when you purchased the property. These things may have been fine for years, but could cause an issue with a simple change in usage. For instance, let’s say you owned your home for ten years with no problems. You now find yourself using the spare bedroom as a craft room. Suddenly, a wall outlet smells hot, and when you remove the cord for the sewing machine, the plug is hot enough to burn you. Sparks fly when you remove the plug. You may not have known that the receptacle was tied into the same circuit which feeds the living room, now loaded down with the myriad of devices associated with today’s family entertainment. Just the addition of one more thing has overloaded this circuit, and the old wiring and loose screw on the receptacle added to the issue. We can find issues like this and get them remedied.

2. Limit the use of extension cords. These power extenders are not magically producing more power, and just because you have a place to plug something in does not mean that the circuit can handle it. If you find yourself reaching for cords often, call us to add circuits or outlets to your home. This is a much safer solution.

3. Be aware of signs that you are overloading your circuits. Along with the use of extension cords, there are several other signs that you may need to adjust your usage, or have more installed. If you are tripping breakers so often that you have the power panel memorized, it is time to get the situation remedied. Overloaded circuits are hard on appliances, and are a real fire risk.

4. Use space heaters wisely. Be sure the circuit powering them is capable and not overloaded. Keep a safety perimeter around the heater. If possible, use an infrared heater, which does not get hot, has no burn hazard, and will shut off immediately if tipped. Be sure to turn off the heaters before leaving the house or going to bed. (The exception to this may be the infrared, which are designed to put off a lower heat in a consistent manner to keep the area warm. These heaters do best at maintaining the warmth when left on. The safety features which are built in do make them safe for this type of constant operation.)

5. Replace older appliances with newer, more efficient (and trustworthy) versions. Over time, breakdown of electrical wiring and components raise the risk factor for older appliances. Replace as you can work them into the budget for peace of mind and a lower power bill.

6. LED bulbs reduce fire risk by lowering the load on circuits. They also don’t produce heat, so if a lamp is knocked over, the risk of a resultant fire is much less than with a standard bulb which can ignite a mattress, clothing, paneling, or flooring.

We are here to help you get your house in order. Whether you have issues that you are aware of, or you would like to know what may be lurking in the background, we can assist. Just give us a call. Our skilled electricians will find and eliminate any issues with competence and professionalism.

If you are in need of any residential or commercial electrical services or LED lighting in Baldwin County or Mobile, Alabama look no further than Professional Electric! Visit us online at www.ProfessionalElectric.biz and connect with us on Facebook and Twitter! We are available 24/7 for emergency services! Mobile: (251) 473-5788 Baldwin County: (251) 929-8957 Remember, when it comes to your electrical needs, Keep It Professional!

© Southern View Media 2017: Reproduction without explicit permission is prohibited. All Rights Reserved. “Get Online or Get Left Behind”

4 Reasons Your Business Needs An Energy Audit From Professional Electric

Every business owner has a responsibility to make money. It may be to support your family or maybe it is to keep the investors happy. An energy audit may seem like a mundane task, but the results could surprise you. Why should you have an inspection done?

1. IT’S ALL ABOUT THE BENJAMINS. No one likes to throw money away. Your business is supposed to make money. Efficient power usage is a responsible way to hold on to profits. An energy audit will verify that you are making the best use of your money.

2. WASTE NOT, WANT NOT. Although it may seem silly to take time to put gaskets in all your switches and outlets on exterior walls, or pay someone to seal one hundred windows in your building, these little things could actually have a big pay-off. There may be other ways to save such as upgrading the old heating oil furnace for a newer zoned unit with programmable controls to lower the temperatures when people are not around. Switching to more efficient lighting, such as LED lights, may save you thousands. A properly conducted audit by Professional Electric will show you where you are losing energy, how to get it back, and the time you will need to recoup your investment.

3. UNCLE SAM IS SHARING. This may be the best time to look into that upgrade! If there are grants or rebates available to offset some of the cost, your benefit is even bigger. You may find that you can update a heating and air system, add insulation, replace your halogens or high-pressure sodium lighting with LED’s, or even branch into solar and wind energy with some of the programs being offered.

4. A HAPPY CREW IS A PRODUCTIVE CREW. When your employees are comfortable, they produce. If a bit of added insulation or a zoned furnace take the chill off, you may see them go from shivering to working. It is also morale-boosting to be able to come to work and be comfortable.

Not only will an energy audit from Professional Electric show where you can improve your consumption rates, it will also highlight the things that are going well for you. You may come away from your audit pleased and proud of the money you have saved on your bottom line. If not, we can show you where to make your available money work to your benefit. Return on investment is not just a term for the stock market. You may see a great ROI simply by managing your electric and gas bills. Let us show you how to save money today with an energy audit from Professional Electric.

If you are in need of any residential or commercial electrical services or LED lighting in Baldwin County, Mobile, Alabama, or surrounding areas, look no further than Professional Electric! Visit us online at www.ProfessionalElectric.biz and connect with us on Facebook and Twitter! We are available 24/7 for emergency services! Mobile: (251) 473-5788 Baldwin County: (251) 929-8957 Remember, when it comes to your electrical needs, Keep It Professional!

© Southern View Media 2017: Reproduction without explicit permission is prohibited. All Rights Reserved. “Get Online or Get Left Behind”

Do I Need Special Equipment to Charge My Electric Car at Home?

Electric cars are great for the environment. They can also be beneficial for your budget considering you’ll be purchasing far less fuel than you used to. If you have recently purchased an electric car, or are considering buying one, there’s a lot of terminologies that may be thrown your way making it puzzling to determine what you do and don’t need. There is some basic information that new electric car owners should keep in mind when it comes to equipment needs. Keep reading as we discuss how to charge your electric car at home and where the charger will go.

Equipment Needed

In order to charge your electric car at home, you have more options than you’d imagine. Your car can be charged with a 120- volt wall socket. Although this may seem ideal, it does take a long time to charge. For a faster charge, you can install a 220V charging station. This can be time consuming, but can be beneficial for people who drive constantly due to its rapid charge.

Where Does The Charger Go?

Chargers can be residential or commercial. Commercial charging stations are usually found at public facilities such as gas stations. There are also cities that provide public electric charging stations in parking lots. Residential electric vehicle chargers are installed in your garage or a standing unit by the driveway.  It’s important to use an experienced electrician when installing an EV station at home. This will help keep you from overloading your household electricity.

Tips for Charging Your Electric Car at Home

Depending on what option you choose to charge your car, charging it overnight will ensure a full charge throughout your day. Although a car with a full charge is your goal, be sure not to leave your car plugged in for any longer than needed. This can cause your car to over charged, possibly resulting in excess wear to the battery in the future.

Residential chargers are the best way to make sure you are able to keep your vehicle charged. If you have questions about installing an EV station at your home, contact the team at Professional Electric. Our team has the knowledge, training and equipment necessary to help you with whatever your electrical endeavors may be.

If you are in need of any residential or commercial electrical services or LED lighting in Baldwin County or Mobile, Alabama look no further than Professional Electric! Visit us online at www.ProfessionalElectric.biz and connect with us on Facebook and Twitter! We are available 24/7 for emergency services! Mobile: (251) 473-5788 Baldwin County: (251) 929-8957 Remember, when it comes to your electrical needs, Keep It Professional!

What is a GFCI Outlet?

Ground-fault circuit interrupter, also know as a GFCI, is the only protection device designed to protect people against electric shock from an electrical unit. In order for a GFCI to work, it needs to be installed properly or the device will fail. GFCI outlets help to protect electrical wiring and receptacles from overheating and potentially catching fire. This helps to reduce the risk of injuries and burns. Keep reading as we dive deeper into a GFCI outlet and how it works.

How A GFCI Outlet Works

A GFCI outlet works by comparing the input current on the hot side to the output current on the neutral side. If there is a difference in current, then there is a current leaking out somewhere, which has the possibility to be someone’s body. In order to protect you from this occurring, the GFCI cuts off the power supply to the leaking device which helps to reduce any human tissue damage from errant current.

Where Should GFCI Protection Be?

GFCI protection should be installed any place there is a receptacle installed in an area that is subject to moisture. Moisture increases the danger of accidental shocks and by having a GFCI it will help to prevent these accidental shocks from happening. In residential areas there should be GFCIs in bathrooms, garages, crawlspaces, kitchens, laundry rooms and other areas prone to moisture throughout the property.

Having GFCI outlets throughout your property will help to make sure you and those who inhabit the property are protected from being electrocuted. If you have further questions regarding GFCI outlets or believe there are areas throughout your residential or commercial property that need GFCI outlets installed, contact the team at Professional Electric. Our trusted team of experts will answer any questions that you may have and will provide guidance on what steps are best for your situation.

If you are in need of any residential or commercial electrical services or LED lighting in Baldwin County or Mobile, Alabama look no further than Professional Electric. Visit us online at www.ProfessionalElectric.biz and connect with us on Facebook and Twitter. We are available 24/7 for emergency services! Mobile: (251) 473-5788 Baldwin County: (251) 929-8957 Remember, when it comes to your electrical needs, Keep It Professional!

Space Heater Dos and Don’ts

As the colder weather sets in, many people are turning to their space heaters for that extra bit of warmth. While space heaters are great for convenience and comfort, many house fires are started every year due to misuse. If you use a space heater to heat your home, then it is necessary to follow these proper precautions.

The Three Foot Rule
Experts suggest that space heaters should be kept a minimum of three feet from anything that will burn. This includes paper, curtains, articles of clothing and carpet. This rule not only goes for the front of the space heater but the back and sides as well. While this may be a drawback on convenience, this is a crucial element of safety and fire prevention.

Kids and Pets
Never leave kids and/or pets alone with a space heater and never leave a space heater unattended. The appliance could easily burn your furry friends or little ones. The heater could also get knocked over, causing a possible fire. Unplug space heaters when not in use and store them in a safe place away from children and animals.

Direct to the Source
The Electrical Safety Foundation International, a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting electrical safety, advocates against using power strips or extension cords when plugging in your space heater. Space heaters use a lot of electricity and power strips and extension cords can overheat, which in turn could start a fire.

Keep The Unit Level
Always keep the space heater on a level floor. Avoid placing space heaters on top of any other objects or on an incline. The concern here is the space heater tipping over. Not all space heaters have a tip sensor and a heater is face down could get things heated quickly.

Use as Directed
Space heaters are not primary heating sources. They are to be used in addition to your current heating program. Use the appliance for what it is intended for and not as a substitute to heat or thaw items. Do not hang or place items such as clothes, blankets or towels on the heater. This could easily cause a fire.

Routinely check the cord of the space heater for damage or fraying. Check the outer casing for cracks, unusual discoloration and other deformations. Clean the space heater by wiping down the outside and using a can of compressed air to blow dirt and dust from inside the heater.

A space heater is a convenient and easy option for heating your home.

If you are in need of any residential or commercial electrical services or LED lighting in Baldwin County or Mobile, Alabama look no further than Professional Electric! Visit us online at www.ProfessionalElectric.biz and connect with us on Facebook and Twitter! We are available 24/7 for emergency services! Mobile: (251) 473-5788 Baldwin County: (251) 929-8957 Remember, when it comes to your electrical needs, Keep It Professional!

© Hummingbird and South 2018: Reproduction without explicit permission is prohibited. All Rights Reserved. “We Put You Online So You Don’t Get Left Behind.”

How To Dispose Of Electronics Responsibly

At some point or another, all electronics get replaced. Maybe you upgraded to a newer model, perhaps they just don’t get used anymore, or maybe they’ve quit working. No matter what your reason is for disposing of your electronics, they need to be disposed of properly. Electronics can be donated, recycled or traded-in. They should never be disposed of with the regular trash as electronics can contain toxic substances like lead, mercury and cadmium that are harmful to the environment.

The first step when ridding yourself of unwanted electronics is to make sure that you have removed all personal information. If you are throwing out old cell phones, be sure that you erase all personal data and do a hard reset of the phone’s software. The same needs to be done for old computers. Deleting files and documents is not enough. Hard drives must be formatted correctly so that personal data is not recoverable by the next user.

Donate It

Just because you don’t want to use your old technology anymore does not mean that it could not be useful to someone else. Contact local charities or non-profits to see if they have any use for the item(s) that you are getting rid of. Old cell phones, computers, televisions, radios and other electronics are generally accepted if they are still in working condition. Know that these organizations likely do not have the means or resources to repair damaged electronics so they need to be in a reliable, functioning order.

Recycle It

Electronics do not go in the recycle bin like cardboard boxes do. Individual recycling centers are set up specifically for recycling electronics. Do a web search for an electronics recycling center near you.

Trade It In

Technology firms like Apple, Best Buy, Sprint and Amazon, to name a few, have systems in place to deal with used electronics. They know how to recycle the materials appropriately to keep hazardous materials out of landfills and lessen their environmental footprint by reusing old metals and glass. Some manufacturers even offer incentives for returning used electronics. Many cell phone service providers offer money back on a new phone when you trade in your old one and Amazon offers money on an Amazon gift card for eligible trade-ins. So bring your old tech to a firm that knows how to deal with it properly or check with your local retailers to see if they offer any incentives for bringing in electronics.

If you have any questions about disposing of old technology, or if you are in need of any residential or commercial electrical services or LED lighting in Baldwin County or Mobile, Alabama look no further than Professional Electric! Visit us online at www.ProfessionalElectric.biz and connect with us on Facebook and Twitter! We are available 24/7 for emergency services!
Mobile: (251) 473-5788
Baldwin County: (251) 929-8957
Remember, when it comes to your electrical needs, Keep It Professional!

© Hummingbird and South 2018: Reproduction without explicit permission is prohibited. All Rights Reserved. “We Put You Online So You Don’t Get Left Behind.”

Why You Should Switch to LED Bulbs

Lighting is an important part of your home. It can create a specific atmosphere, open up your space, or highlight artwork. The type of lighting you use is what creates the aesthetic that you are going for, but not all light bulbs are created equally. LED bulbs have a multitude of benefits in comparison to regular fluorescent bulbs.

They Last Longer – LED bulbs do not have the filament inside like fluorescent bulbs do so there is nothing to break or burn out. They can last for over 11 years of use at full brightness.

They Are Energy Efficient – regular bulbs lose roughly 80% of their energy to heat loss, leaving only 20% for light. LED bulbs only lose 20% of their energy to heat. Because of their low heat loss, LEDs only require 10-20% of the power that other bulbs do. Energy savings means more money saved on your electrical bills.

They Are More Versatile – LED bulbs come in a variety of colors and shapes. They can replace almost any bulb in the house and they do not have the extra filters that other incandescent bulbs have, which means LEDs give off a truer, brighter color.

They Light Better – LED bulbs come to full brightness in microseconds. They are also able to be dimmed while still maintaining their true colors (whereas incandescent bulbs give off a yellow light when dimmed). Not to mention, LED bulbs also work in silence. There is no humming sound when the bulbs are turned on.

They Are Safe – less heat loss during use means that the bulbs are not hot to the touch. So no more burnt fingers and no more fire hazards for your house. They are also much more durable than regular bulbs, therefore, minimizing the risk of broken glass.

They Are Environmentally Friendly – LEDs do not contain harmful mercury in them as fluorescent bulbs do. Because they also outlast other bulbs and use up less energy, there is a less environmental impact when using LED bulbs.

They Save You Money – as mentioned above, less energy consumption translates to lower electric bills. While LED bulbs are more costly upfront, the energy savings, as well as fewer replacement purchases, add up very quickly to saving you money in the long run.

LED bulbs can be picked up anywhere that light bulbs are sold.

If you are in need of any residential or commercial electrical services or LED lighting in Baldwin County or Mobile, Alabama look no further than Professional Electric! Visit us online at www.ProfessionalElectric.biz and connect with us on Facebook and Twitter! We are available 24/7 for emergency services!
Mobile: (251) 473-5788
Baldwin County: (251) 929-8957
Remember, when it comes to your electrical needs, Keep It Professional!

© Hummingbird and South 2018: Reproduction without explicit permission is prohibited. All Rights Reserved. “We Put You Online So You Don’t Get Left Behind.”